How to Donate

Revere Health Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit community foundation. 100% of donations support the cause. Your donations are tax-deductible. Any contribution is greatly appreciated, and anyone can help further the mission of the Foundation and help members of the community.

There are two donation options: 1) One-time donations and 2) a Payroll deduction option where you pay an amount of your choice in each paycheck throughout the year. Even a small amount each month can make a difference.

  1. Please fill out the form below to contribute a portion of your paycheck to the Revere
    Health Foundation. On the form, it will be important for you to include your employee
    number and indicate which cause you wish to donate to.
  2. Once you submit the form, a staff member will reach out to you within 24 hours to
    confirm your form has been received and answer any questions you may have.
  1. If you would like to make a one-time donation, note that we are currently only accepting personal or cashier checks at this time. Please send your donation to the following address: Revere Health Foundation 1055 N 500 W Provo, Utah 84604
  2. Indicate on your check which cause you would like your donation to go to:
  • Ben Ogden Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Utah Valley Nursing Scholarships
  • Cancer patient lodging/travel
  • Charitable care
  • Unrestricted (wherever it is most needed)

Revere Health Payroll Deduction Donation Form

Please fill out the form below to contribute a portion of your paycheck to the Revere Health Foundation. On the form, it will be important for you to include your employee number and indicate which cause you wish to donate to. Once you submit the form, a staff member will reach out to you within 24 hours to confirm your form has been received and answer any questions you may have.

For payroll deductions:

$ 0.00